Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Horror stories Essay Example for Free

Horror stories Essay Horror stories have caught the attention of audiences throughout history, be it in literature or in film, because of its ability to ignite in us one of the most primordial of human emotions fear. As H. P. Lovecraft’s quote above explicitly states, there is no other emotion as old and strong as that of fear, particularly that of the unknown. But what is the horror genre? Arguably, it can be said that horror, as exemplified in films, are fictional stories which aim to stoke feelings of horror, terror, fear from its audience. Simple enough as it may sound, however, it has been found that one of the main problematic of dealing with the horror genre when studying it as a text, would be its overlapping characteristics with other genres, such as science fiction and fantasy. However, although horror may oftentimes be viewed as having no clear-cut boundaries, there are several delineations in it when compared to science fiction and fantasy. For example, according to Paul Wells, †¦[T]he horror genre is predominantly concerned with death and the impacts and effects of the past, while science fiction is future-oriented, engaging with how human social existence could develop and dealing with humankind’s predilection for self-destruction. While science fiction is potentially utopian (although often critically grounded), the horror genre is almost entirely dystopic, and often nihilistic in outlook. Science fiction is more concerned with the external and macrocosmic, while horror is arguably preoccupied with the internal and microcosmic. On the issue of crossing the threshold over to the realm of the fantasy genre, its main difference would be that fantasy â€Å"is based on re-imagining the world in a more playful or utopian guise, while only temporarily moving out of (endorsing) the terms and conditions of the status quo. † Horror, on the other hand, does also contain certain elements, but the status quo, for the most part is left untouched. Having shown how horror is a unique and independent genre despite having overlapping similarities with others, this paper will now go into the individual elements of it in order to further elucidate through the use of Alfred Hitchcock’s â€Å"Psycho† as an example. It is important to take note of a genre’s individual characteristics because â€Å"genre is addressed as a system for organizing production as well as groupings of individual films which have collective and singular significance. † Noel Carroll is of the opinion that what sets the horror genre apart from the others is primarily the reaction of the audience to what is being portrayed to them. He says, In horror fictions, the emotions of the audience are supposed to mirror those of the positive human characters in certain, but not all, respects†¦ Our responses are meant, ideally, to parallel those of characters. Our responses are supposed to converge (but not exactly duplicate) those of the characters; like the characters we assess the monster as a horrifying sort of being (though unlike the characters, we do not believe in its existence). This mirroring-effect moreover, is a key feature of the horror genre. For it is not the case of every genre that the audience response is supposed to repeat certain of the elements of the emotional state of the characters. But apart from that, common elements would also include the depiction of the dark, malevolent side of humanity, the relatability of the audience to the characters – despite their being haunted individuals, the dark, foreboding mood, the violence present, which are usually graphic, and the inclusion of unexpected and frightening twists in the plot. Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film Psycho does contain these elements, and thus is regarded as one of the finest examples of the modern horror genre. The beginning of the story started out plain enough. Marion is a secretary who runs away with the money of his boss’ client in order to be with her lover. However on the long drive to Sam, she is met by several obstacles like the cop that seems to be sniffing her out, bad weather and fatigue. It was because of the last said obstacle that she ended up in the Bates Motel. Here she meets the owner and keeper of the motel, Norman Bates. He seems nice enough, gentlemanly and soft-spoken even, but there already are sure signs that he is not as pleasant as he looks. The parlor in his office is filled with stuffed birds, and when Marion assumes that he knows a lot about birds, he corrects her by saying that he is no expert on birds; he just likes stuffing them. Also, it is in this conversation between the two of them that the audience is first given a glimpse of Norman’s seemingly disturbed mental state, becoming rigid and taking offense when Marion suggests that he place his â€Å"ill† mother in an institution. The way Hitchcock framed the headshots of Norman made him seem like he was about ready to strike, aggressive. Later on, in the famous shower scene, he would prove to be exactly that. But despite those telling signs, in those moments when he is the nice Norman, the audience can relate to the lonely young man who is verbally abused by his mother, but would not leave her because he sincerely believes she needs him to take care of her. It is precisely in this charm and relatability of his character that made the revelation of the plot highly successful later on. As for the mood, the house atop the hill behind the motel is indeed a dark and foreboding one. Always cast in shadows, and the structure itself, being old, looks scary by itself. Of course, the violence aspect of the film is also one of the most pivotal parts of Psycho. Although there is but one shower scene which depicted the killing of Marion with a kitchen knife in the shower, the movie is rife with the element of violence. Arbogast the detective was killed, Norman’s â€Å"mother† was verbally abusing him, and both the dead bodies were later on ditched in the swamp. As for the twist, as mentioned earlier, it is because of Norman’s charm as a character that made the twist even more effective. All throughout the film, the audience – as well as the other characters – were led to believe that Norman’s mother is indeed alive. Later on, the audience finds out that the â€Å"mother† they all thought to be in the story is actually Norman himself who has somehow kept his mother alive, quite literally, in his own mind. What makes this movie the successful horror story that it is then is because it was successful in eliciting from the audience the emotion of fear, be it for Marion who was running away from the cop, or being stabbed in the shower. Because the audience’s attention was focused on the hunt for Marion and the money, the element of surprise clearly was on the side of Norman’s story, him being not a direct figure in the Marion-money-Sam storyline anyway. With this example, we clearly see that the horror genre is not defined by the presence of monsters in the film (although Norman, in a figurative sense, can be considered a monster), but by its ability to evoke the emotion of fear from the audience, mirroring that of the characters they see onscreen. BIBLIOGRAPHY Carroll, Noel, The Philosophy of Horror, Or, Paradoxes of the Heart, Routledge, London, 1990. Deutelbau, Marshall Leiland Poague (eds), A Hithcock Reader, Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa, 1986. Kapis, Robert E. , Hitchcock: The Making of Reputation, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1992. Nelmes, Jill (ed), An Introduction to Film Studies, 3rd Edition, Routledge, London, 2003. Spadoni, Robert, Uncanny Bodies: The Coming of Sound Film and the Origins of the Horror Genre, University of California Press, California, 2007. Wells, Paul, The Horror Genre: From Beelzebub to Blair Witch, Wallflower Press, 2000. , Few thoughts on Horror, http://web. utk. edu/~wrobinso/590_lec_horror. html.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Ubiquitous Man :: science

Ubiquitous Man A glance over the world from the point of view of a Science Fiction Writer who assumes that Time is waved to all directions Motto: The only thing you have really got is what you are and it is on you forever. Mihaela Bufnila ASSUMPTIONS If God had died what would be the use of beautiful language and why would â€Å"beautiful† exist or function anymore deep down the oceans? If I multiply and metamorphose into a cloud of spots under the pressure of magnetic fields, will I be able to enlarge my informational surface? The supreme miracle stands for the way in which an assembly of points realizes it is an assembly of points. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be the man of all times shaped into the body of contemporary Time. If this is not true, then I may be wrong when reporting myself to reality, and I have no other choice but accepting the generalized and the generalizing fiction according to which I don’t even exist and, thus, I cannot witness myself. This means that, as I am only contents, I couldn’t possibly build my exteriority from where to fully spy myself while plunging into the pleasure of the principle of multiple of one. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be caught between the history jaws, on the verge of being smashed by his own sins, by his own fictions, or by the crowds waving like a roaring ocean, or by revolutions and wars or by impersonal administrative acts or by nature hardships – which is not a proper nature anymore. As a universal construction, the Ubiquitous Man doesn’t seem to be built by addition, the idea of a flowing time is seemingly. The time seems rather waved; the ubiquity gives the impression of the wave that†¦ And look! You can see it before our visible horizon, now up, under the consciousness reflector, then vanished down the ocean full of universes, to the sailor’s anxiety. The Ubiquitous Man seems to be the man you feel close to you, resembling you, a sailor through the meaningful or meaningless storms, self-sufficient. Often, the Ubiquitous Man ends up by being ridiculous, tragic or anecdotic. It is like, being upset that his predecessors are not sharing his attempts, he punishes them by exterminating them together with him, and this is his way of perceiving the finite. Frequently, the Ubiquitous Man, a fragmented creature, cannot understand, cannot comprise all, cannot find out the meaning of things and then, he is expelled from the sailing registrar in one movement.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Visual Aids Help Tths Students Improve Their English Education Essay

In Vietnam, English is considered the most of import foreign linguistic communication, which is taught as one of the chief topics in schools every bit good as in universities and is besides used the most in communicating among other foreign linguistic communications. Harmonizing to the Longman lexicon of linguistic communication instruction and applied linguistics, English is used as a foreign linguistic communication or a 2nd linguistic communication to pass on with aliens who speak the English linguistic communication in non-English speech production states. The English instruction and acquisition at Thuong Tin High School is non really important in footings of the pupils ‘ accomplishment. Particularly, the large concern is for English vocabulary keeping. At the terminal of the first term 2009 – 2010 merely approximately 50 % of the pupils got an norm of 5 and 6, and merely 8 % got 7 or 8 and the remainder got 3 or 4 in the English unwritten trial in the 2009 State First Term Examination. These figures have made the instructors of English in TT High School feel worried, they need to see the serious job carefully and happen out the best methods to better the state of affairs rapidly. This hapless accomplishment is non new but has lasted for old ages, and at that place have been many things done about it but the state of affairs has non improved. Students have been given excess lessons so that they have more clip to pattern their English, particularly English speech production lessons, they have been helped a batch with alteration before every trial. They have even been provided with well-prepared hand-outs of the points on which they are traveling to be tested and told what to larn to make the trials good. In malice of what they have been informed and reminded of, unexpected things have still occurred, pupils have non improved their accomplishment, and the fact that most pupils were non really adept in speech production and authorship trials which were shown on the study of first term. To happen out which factors are of import in linguistic communication acquisition, it is necessary to hold a close expression at societal factors every bit good as a figure of psychological dimensions of difference. Attitudes and motive, assurance, intelligence, linguistic communication aptitude, and linguistic communication acquisition schemes have besides been found to hold an consequence on linguistic communication scholars ‘ success in their linguistic communication acquisition ( Gardner, 2001 ) . The research undertaking took topographic point at Thuong Tin High School located in Thuong Tin, a town about 30 kilometers from Ha Noi Capital and has been developing really fast. The people have become richer and a big figure of households have invested money in after school activities and private tutoring for their kids in English and other nucleus topics. If pupils and scholars have an first-class degree of English, they will derive credence to higher schools of larning and better-paid occupations. English is an of import and mandatory topic at about every school in Vietnam. Thus, normally pupils have to larn English for at least 7 old ages, from grade 6 to rate 12. In many schools in metropoliss kids start larning English in grade 3. There is even a tendency to larn English before simple school as their parents believe that the English linguistic communication is a utile investing for their kids ‘s hereafter. Most occupations now require the appliers to hold cognition of English linguistic communication at certain degrees. Though English is taught from class 3 in primary schools, most high school pupils are hard to read an English paragraph fluently, talk to each other in English as a conversation, listen to a short debut on telecasting or compose a missive or even a paragraph of description in English good. The issue that why most TTHS pupils have still had low consequences on speech production and composing trials though they have been helped a batch before trials, and what possible solutions could be found. The TTHS instructors have had a serious treatment and come to conclusion that most TTHS pupils have low English vocabulary keeping and this has great influence on their speech production and composing trials. Students can non talk, listen, read and compose English if they do non hold plenty necessary English vocabulary. But what we, instructors, have to make to assist our pupils better their English vocabulary. More things must be done to alter the state of affairs for the better, and the concerns were carried out, such as ; motive, methods of instruction and acquisition, environment of instruction and acquisition, stuffs and inclusive of Visual Aids. The defined solution for this issue was that Using Visual Aids to assist pupils better English vocabulary keeping, because the instr uctors believed that there is no ways of larning vocabulary better than seeing the existent things or illustrated things. Most instructors of English agree that it is hard for them to hold successful lessons on vocabulary or communicating without ocular AIDSs and pupils will non be easy to understand and pattern if they do non hold certain ocular AIDSs for every undertaking because pupils do non hold plenty necessary vocabulary to pattern. The intent of this research is to find utilizing Ocular Aids helps TTHS pupils improve English vocabulary and the effects that ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils.Research inquiries:How do VISUAL AIDS aid pupils better English vocabulary keeping? What effects do ocular instruction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?LITERATURE REVIEWOcular AIDSsBrown ( 1973:1 ) emphasizes that utilizing assortment of media, ocular AIDSs, will increase the chance that the pupils will larn more, retain better what they learn and better their public presentation of the accomplishments they are expected to develop. Furthermore, Finocchiaro ( 1974:63 ) provinces that the pupils will understand and retain better when they have been shown or taught some objects that associate with it. Educational professionals have acknowledged the fact that pupils who struggle in reading comprehension because they may miss the ability to grok words. Joseph ( 2006 ) realised, â€Å" there are several attacks to learning word-reading accomplishments but few integrated systematic processs that facilitate command, construct eloquence and lead to keeping of accomplishments for fighting readers † ( p.803 ) . Students who struggle in acquisition accomplishments need specific intercessions to increase their reading degree and word cognition. These intercessions should be ongoing and occur early in the acquisition procedure in order to ease the cognitive burden at the pupils ‘ current reading degree and for the following class degree. Using ocular AIDSs to heighten English vocabulary and vocabulary keeping is a scheme that has been researched and implemented into TTHS English classromms. With the usage of ocular AIDSs, such as ; reliable stuffs or illustrated things, pupils could increase their English vocabulary keeping every bit good as they can establish on their vocabulary to better their speech production, composing, listening and reading comprehension accomplishments. Joseph ( 2006 ) confirmed that pupils tend to be more motivated and take to finish assignments and undertakings that contain some points that are known to them and that appear to demand lower degree of attempt because they feel confident about their ability to finish such undertakings. If implemented decently, ocular AIDSs, which are reliable stuffs or illustrated things, can do on-going deffernces in pupils ‘ ability to read with assurance independently and continually. It is the consistence of vocabulary intercessions that allows the fighting pupils to see the vocabulary footings within the reading transition if they are to spread out their cognition of the vocabulary term. This can do the difference in their proficiency of linguistic communication acquisition Dave ( 1975: 10-11 ) besides proposes some of the ocular AIDSs as follows: Real things and toys with different kinds, sizes and colourss are utile to draw pupils ‘ involvement. Real things can be presented to pupils by agencies of field trip or conveying the object to the category for direct observation. Chalkboard or blackboard are certain to be the most utile instruction AIDSs, used in the category. They have the advantage of supplying points of attending for the category and they can be used for many intents. Pictures are flashed for a brief minute, therfore, the images should be simple and large sufficiency to be seen clearly by every pupil in the category. Wall charts or wall images are large documents with some images and words, utile for showing vocabulary to the category. From the account above, non all of media can be applied in the schoolroom ; the instructors have to choose the appropriate media that straight related to the acquisition procedure. Vocabulary appraisals should besides be used for a precursor to measure pupils ‘ comprehension. Johnston ( 1997 ) pointed that â€Å" as childen spend more and more clip reading and authorship, many modus operandis and common forms become automatic, picking up velocity and really traveling through a different portion of the encephalon, no longer affecting witting attempts † ( p 145 ) . This is an of import factor if pupils are to go independent of the schoolroom instructor. It is of import to increase pupils ‘ tool chest of vocabulary schemes. Harmonizing to Haycraft ( 1983: 102 ) learning AIDSs can be used for consolidating vocabulary, practicing construction and word order or for assortment of games. Besides, learning AIDSs can besides give a great aid to the instructor in the category. A scholar can non ever successfully learn English merely by listening to the account from the instructor. Ocular AIDSs help teacher give more accent on pronunciation of the words, vocalizations and wrong written of words. Furthermore, in vocabulary category, the scholars are encouraged to give their sentiments about the ocular AIDSs that are presented by the instructor, therefore the scholars can be more active in teaching-learning procedure. Ocular AIDSs are besides really utile to develop the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically. Ocular AIDSs, particularly images are really utile in learning vocabulary to promote and actuate the pupils to larn the linguistic communication. As stated by Coppen ( 1969: 88 ) images are parts of ocular AIDSs. â€Å" The intent of image is to supply a stimulation which will arouse a peculiar response from the scholar. The image represents some action and in order to larn the appropriate words to depict the action itself must non be in inquiry † . Pictures are parts of ocular AIDSs. They may be used in learning the simple school pupils to avoid ennui. Brown ( 1973: 410 ) states some maps of images as follows: Media are used to learn the pupils to larn efficaciously. Pictures help the pupils read the books and finally interpret and memorize words. Edmund Fason ( 1959: 416 ) provinces that teaching-learning procedure with images will acquire win if the images are related to the stuff of the survey, images should be coloured and varied, colorful images intensify the pupils ‘ imaginativeness. Using ocular AIDSs can give a great aid to the instructor in the category. The pupils will non ever be successful in larning English merely by listening to the account from the instructor or by reading many books. Using ocular AIDSs in vocabulary category promote the pupils to give their sentiments about the presented images. The instructor can do them more active during the teaching-learning procedure. Furthermore, blinking ocular AIDSs for a short clip is really utile for the pupils to talk and memorise the words automatically.RetentionRetention should be a demand for the acquisition of vocabulary footings. Joseph ( 2008 ) makes these recommendations, â€Å" in specific environmental conditions, words that were taught were considered learned when they were read right on next-day keeping investigations. Wordss that were non read right on next-day keeping investigations were non considered learned. Previously taught but unconditioned words were retaught with the same instructional s tatus until they were read right on next-day keeping investigations † ( p 298 ) . This would be a good process to follow if scholars are to highten their keeping of vocabulary footings. These keeping investigations were designed to mensurate pupils ‘ vocabulary acquisition. Retention investigations were ever administered the twenty-four hours instantly following the instructional status and before another unit of ammunition of instructional conditions bagan. Each keeping investigation consisted of all the ocular AIDSs of unknown words that were taught in the previuos day-to-day sessons. The ocular AIDSs were exchanged and presented as one group of words to the pupils. Reiser and Dempsey ( 2007 ) provinces, â€Å" maximising larning with rich media involves two memories systems ; working memory and long term memory that shapes human larning † ( p314 ) .MethodologySubjectsThis research survey took topographic point in Thuong Tin High School in Thuong Tin town, 30 ki lometers off from the Centre of Ha Noi Capital. The topics involved in this research were 40 pupils, they were in two different categories 12A2 and 12A3 ( aged 16-18 ) . They were indiscriminately selected to set into two groups: 20 pupils in the control group ( 12A2 ) and 20 other pupils in the experimental group ( 12A3 ) ( This means that the category 12A2 has 20 participants who belong to the control group, and the category 12A3 has 20 participants who belong to the experimental group ) . All of them are grade-12 pupils in the school twelvemonth 2009 – 2010 and travel to school everyday from Monday to Saturday. They have 3 English periods every hebdomad, each period lasts 45 proceedingss. The experiment lasted one month. After organizing two groups, a trial was given to pupils to look into their English vocabulary so that the research worker could guarantee pupils in two groups had the English vocabulary equality ( Appendice 2 ) .Instruments.Many ocular AIDSs were used when carry oning this research, this was done by utilizing images, existent things and illustrated things. To do clear the research inquiry, these following types of informations were collected: studies, pre-tests and post-tests, interviews, observations, and trial tonss. A study was given at the beginning of the survey to find if the pupils enjoyed larning English and their attitudes to the instructional manner of the category ( Appendice 1 ) . This helped me understand pupils ‘ perceptual experience of the category and if any alterations, other than those used during the survey, needed to be made to maximise the pupils ‘ academic public presentation. A Pre-test and Post-test were used before and after the research to happen out the difference between the pre-test consequences and post-test consequences in order to cognize whether students'vocabulary keeping has been improved ( Appendice 3A, 3B ) . Observations and trial tonss were besides used as measuring tools. In order to take notes and find the engagement and attitudes of the pupils, observations were used daily. Make the pupils respond otherwise to the assorted ocular AIDSs? Were the pupils on undertaking during a certain ocular scheme? Did the pupils enjoy some ocular schemes over others? Detecting besides made it possible to find if outside variables affected the pupils ‘ trial tonss. Were the pupils holding a nerve-racking twenty-four hours? Did the pupils merely come back to school from a vacation interruption? To find if the usage of visuals affected trial tonss, trial tonss during the four hebdomad survey were compared with those from the old four hebdomads. At the terminal of the survey, the replies to the inquiries must be found ; Why do TTHS pupils speak, listen to, read and compose English so severely? How do ocular AIDSs help them better their English vocabulary keeping? Which effects do the ocular instru ction schemes have on the academic accomplishment of TTHS pupils?Design and Methods of Data CollectionWhen implementing the experiment, the research worker used different ocular AIDSs in lessons, for illustration ; images, existent things and illustrated things were utilised instead so that pupils could understand the mentioned words and memorise them more efficaciously. Interviews were done earlier and after the research in order to cognize whether pupils were interested in the experiment, how they behaved during the research and what they achieved after the research. Observation was implemented in the procedure of research, this helped the research worker know that all the pupils in the experimental group took portion in the experiment on a regular basis. Trial tonss were done after the experiment finished, the trial tonss were collected from the pre-test consequences and the post-test consequences to demo the betterment and difference of utilizing ocular AIDSs in instruction and larning English vocabulary. Teaching activities that used ocular AIDSs were provided to the experimental group pupils in the category 12A3 in all the lessons ; listening, speech production, reading and composing lessons every hebdomad.ConsequenceSurvey Results.The study that was given to the two English categories included five inquiries and five replies, Numberss 1-5 ( Appendice 1 ) . When asked pupils the five inquiries, the research worker found that there was a large difference about pupils ‘ attitude to larning English, and larning English vocabulary with the aid of ocular AIDSs before and after the experiment. The consequence was compared in the Pre and Post-survey ( Appendice 1 ) . Questions Answers Before the experiment ( n=students ) After the experiment ( n=students ) 1. Make you bask larning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do non like larning English, why? Because: Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of ocular AIDSs 46 62 3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories Yes 48 66 No 32 14 There were several trials ( a sample trial in appendice 2 ) given to pupils in the both groups to guarantee that the pupils in the experimental group was tantamount with pupils in the control group about the English vocabulary before the experiment. Groups Percentage of words that recalled and written down before the experiment 0 – 20 % 30 – 50 % 50 – 70 % 80 – 100 % Control group ( n=20 ) 2 8 7 3 Experimental Group ( n=20 ) 3 9 6 2Interview ResultsIn each group, 5 pupils were indiscriminately invited to interview before and after the experiment. They were asked to give replies to 3 inquiries ( Appendice 4 ) . The 5 pupils in the experimental group produced the same words as the 5 pupils in the control group before the experiment but the experimental pupils produced more words than the control pupils after the ezperiment. a. An interview before the experiment B. An interview after the experiment.Trials ConsequencesPre-tests:Groups Number of words 10 – 40 40 – 70 70 -100 Control ( n=students ) 8 9 3 Experimental ( n-students ) 7 10 4Pots-testsGroups Number of words ( n=100 words ) 10 – 40 40 – 70 70 -100 Control ( n=students ) 5 10 5 Experimental ( n-students ) 2 11 7 From the consequences of the post-tests, it was easy to happen that if pupils were provided with ocular AIDSs in their lessons. They could increase their vocabulary much better. Before the experiment, the two groups were tantamount in their vocabulary, but at that place was a large spread between the control group and experimental group after the experiment. The experimental group increased their vocabulary a batch more than they were earlier. However, the control group did non better their vocabulary a batch.Questionnaire ConsequencesAfter the survey clip, the 20 pupils in the experimental group were given a five inquiry interview about their feelings towards the category. The replies were categorized as either being understanding and dissension and compared with the consequences before the experiment.. Comparison of Agreement and Disagreement Responses from the Interview Question Answers from Ex-group ( n=students ) Yes NO Before After Before After 1 ) Do you like the English category? 8 15 12 5 2 ) Do you bask larning with ocular AIDSs 12 17 7 3 3 ) Do you believe the ocular AIDSs are assisting you? 10 14 10 6 4 ) Do you desire to hold ocular AIDSs in future lessons? 11 16 9 4 5 ) Are you motivated with and interested in larning English vocabulary with ocular AIDSs? 10 18 10 2DiscussionThe aim of my research was to happen out how ocular AIDSs aid pupils better their English vocabulary and to detect if ocular acquisition schemes have an consequence on ESL academic accomplishment in a high school English schoolroom. The chief findings of this research show that there is a positive correlativity between the usage of ocular AIDSs and the consequences when utilizing studies, interviews, observations, and trial mark comparingComparison of Averages from the Control and Study PeriodsHarmonizing to Dong ( 2002 ) , he found that when instructors use visuals, the pupils inquire more inquiries. During the survey period, I observed that the pupils in the experiment asked more inquiries than the control group. The pupils were interested in the ocular AIDSs and ever asked inquiries to clear up their misinterpretation.DecisionThis research indicates that pupils may larn in many different ways and instructors should make many things possible to back up and to run into th e demands of all pupils. Ocular AIDSs can interrupt the linguistic communication barrier that separates pupils from instructors. Pictures, ral things or illustrated things ever helped to explicate both particular and common English words to the full. For illustration, the word â€Å" fire an employee † was given to pupils in a inquiry on a trial, but none of the pupils in the category knew what that word meant and seeking to explicate it did non assist either. The significance of the word was so made clear when I made a image on the board. This research would urge that instructors use as many ocular AIDSs as possible in their schoolroom. This research besides shows that ocular AIDSs can increase pupils ‘ English vocabulary and better their vocabulary keeping. The most utile and popular ocular AIDSs were introduced in category were images, illustrated things, such as ; toys or theoretical account signifiers. For illustration, during the unit on autos, it was so easy for pupils to think and to cognize the parts of a auto when they saw images of auto parts or a toy auto. My research had a positive impact on pupil acquisition, English is rather a hard topic with tonss of vocabulary and visuals are the best manner to larn those words. There are besides a batch of subjects that have to be covered in an English category. Visuals, particularly images, are a great manner to demo pupils the overall construct and the minute inside informations of a subject. The pupils in my English category have learnt and improved their vocabulary a batch when I applied the ocular AIDSs in the category. As already mentioned, images were the most popular and effectual. There was a purpose behind each and every ocular. I carefully planned out how I would make and explicate each ocular so that pupils could execute good.MentionsCollier, V. P. ( 1992 ) . A synthesis of surveies analyzing long-run linguistic communication minority pupil informations on academic accomplishment. Bilingual Research Journal, 16 ( 1-2 ) , 187-212. Dong, Y. R. ( 2002 ) . Integrating linguistic communication and content: Education and Bilingualism, 5 ( 2 ) , 40-57. Duran, B. J. , Dugan, T. , & A ; Weffer, R. ( 1998 ) . Language minority pupils in high school Hamblen, K. A. ( 1993 ) . Theories and research that support art direction for instrumental results. Theory into Practice, 3 ( 4 ) , 191-198. Mayer, R. E. ( 1989 ) . Models for understanding. Review of Educational Research, 59 ( 1 ) , 43-64. Gardner, R.C. ( 1985 ) , Social Psychology and Second Language Learning: The function of attitudes and motive, London: Edward Arnold Gardner, R. C. 2001. Language Learning Motivation: The Student, the Teacher, and the Researcher.Texas Papers in Foreign Language Education, Volume 6, A Number 1, A Fall 2001. Joseph, L. ( 2006, May ) . Incremental dry run: A flash card drill technique for increasing keeping of reading words. International Reading Association, 51 ( 1 ) , 90-92. Petrie, G. M. ( 2003 ) . ESL instructors ‘ positions on ocular linguistic communication: A grounded theory. The Reading Matrix, 3 ( 3 ) , 137-168. Tan, A. , & A ; Nicholson, T. ( 1997, June ) . Training hapless readers to read words faster better their comprehension of vocabulary. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89 ( 2 ) , 276.Appendice 1SurveyThe servey was given to 2 categories ( each category consists of 40 pupils ) .Questions Answer Before the experiment ( n=students ) After the experiment ( n=students ) 1. Make you bask larning English? Yes 32 68 No 48 12 2. If you do non like larning English, why? Because: Teaching methods 34 18 Lack of ocular AIDSs 46 62 3. Would you like to larn English vocabulary by watching ocular AIDSs, such as ; images, existent things or illustrated things? Yes 52 68 No 28 12 4. Make you believe you will better your English vocabulary better by looking at the ocular AIDSs when you are discoursing a subject? Yes 46 67 No 34 13 5. Should ocular AIDSs be used and taught on a regular basis and diversely in categories Yes 48 66 No 32 14

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Essay about Angela Merkels leadership style - 1867 Words

As The Economist (September 28th 2013) says, Angela Merkel won a landslide victory and became the chancellor of Germany for the third time. The crisis gave us a hard time and most big European countries dumped their leaders during this period. However, Angela Merkel again proved to be a leader that most people follow and admire. Is it purely because she does things right for her people? Or does it rather spark from her personality, including her behavioral, communication skills or influential authority? This paper will elaborate ideas on what makes Germany’s chancellor such a powerful leader and by using psychological theories it will lead the reader to defining the leadership style Ms. Merkel exercises. To define and get to know Angela†¦show more content†¦The way we perceive a person also depend on our previous education, experience, state of mind, similarity, social status or expectations. If we take the social status of Angela Merkel and the expectations German people have of her, we can conclude that what she is doing is perceived as right, no matter what critics say about her public appearance. When it comes to such a leader, it is not anymore about appearance. According to the Guardian (, 2013), Ms. Merkel knows what her country wants. She gets her people and Germans get her as well. She simply makes sure Germany works and gets away with her mistakes and in the end looks like a good â€Å"mum†. This leads to the discussion of the authority she exercises which persuades people around her that she is on the right track. Using the types of influence tactics from McShane’s and Von Glinow’s book of Organizational Behavior (McShane, Von Glinow, 2010), we can analyze Ms. Merkel’s influencing authority. She exercises silent authority meaning compliance alongside with resistance leading to hard influence tactics. To better understand these concepts let’s have a closer look at the influencing tactic of ingratiation and impression. Within silent authority these terms mean that one tries to increase the liking by, or perceived similarity to, some 2 targeted person or group of people, being the Germans in this case. Impression management, similarly to ingratiation aims at achieving popularityShow MoreRelatedEssay on Leadership Styles1239 Words   |  5 PagesLeadership Evaluation and Philosophy: An Appraisal of Angela Merkel’s Leadership during the Euro Crisis and My Leadership Philosophy Kelly Bullard BSN RN Grand Canyon University: MGT 605 October 8, 2014 This dissertation will discuss Angela Merkel’s Leadership style and ethics during the Euro crisis. It will also compare Angela Merkel’s leadership style to servant leadership style. It will also describe how servant leadership may or may not change the outcomes of the Euro crisis. 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